Yitro –5780 Rabbi Shaanan Gelman “All Fired Up, All Burnt Out” There is a pernicious illness which has been recently classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) – it has been granted a new official name: IDC-11 . According to experts, this insidious and destructive disease will infect well over 50% of the human population exposed to it, with the highest at-risk population being those in the medical profession and human services – where the number is projected into the 70% range! No, I do not refer to the coronavirus, rather a disease which is far more prominent, one which triggers anxiety, depression, insomnia, and loss of cognitive focus, feelings of energy depletion and exhaustion, not to mention increased mental distance and cynicism relating to one’s job. Yes, IDC-11 – is the official name for burnout [1] . Burnout is corrosive, it destroys perfectly talented and dedicated employees – how do we protect ourselves from burnout? How may we ...